
We are currently reading Flash Fiction / Flash Nonfiction and Poetry submissions for our 14th Anniversary Issue, slated for late May 2024. Submissions that do not follow our guidelines will be declined unread.

Flash Fiction & Flash Nonfiction: 50-1,000 words; Up to 3 pieces.

Poetry: 3-5 previously unpublished poems. Prose poetry and found poetry welcome.

Please submit work in one category at a time. Send your work in the body of the email to If your poems require special formatting, you may send an attachment.

Include a 50-word, third person bio. Longer bio will be subject to editing. Simultaneous submissions are fine.

At present, artwork submissions are by invitation only.

Please check out the list of selected back issues and features to get a sense of our editorial drift.

If your work has been featured in A-minor, please wait at least six months before submitting again.

If your submission has been declined, please wait at least one month before submitting again.

A-minor requires First North American Serial Rights and all archival rights. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work appears elsewhere in print or online, please give due credit to A-minor.

Send all questions to

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