Glory Days & Baking Cakes for the Enemy

by Jules Archer


Glory Days

the prom queen of
scorn and
dirty knees

Beverly hills
missed suicide thrills

middle name always never,
not never
a fictitious faction

force fed plums
prettiness and primp

delight goes down with a
silver-coated spoon
castor oil tongue

and shit-stained hands



Baking Cakes for the Enemy



Everything feels kind of numb and peachy. The candy-colored speculum, a rune of ancient miscreant behavior fired up and ready, Freddy. Why/Therefore/Nevermore, she sings to the man in the white coat, not sure of the saying but the meaning clear. With a delicate touch in mind, she turns it off and tunes it out.



Folds the sheet and creases it clean. Bakes banana bread to doneness. Fires up that one lone cigarette, buried in the bottom of a purse and looks in the phone book under E. Anyone have a cure for an Existential Crisis? Take two razor blades and call me in the morning.

Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck.



It’s all in the wrist. The flick of it. I will not tell a lie tattooed cursive-like on its inside. She eats her cake and drinks her tea. Keeps her hands red at night and learns with a tight jaw. She’s woman. Jellified into good and the evil. A slim factory of modernity; give her a shit storm of heavy and crazy. She wants it all.

She recognizes herself in mirrors and bleaches her soul in the bathtub.







Somewhere between being born and raised in the backwoods of Montana, Jules Archer developed a craving for the written word. Today, she writes random stories of great genius and heartbreaking torpor while reading Playboy and sipping Blue Moon in her spare time. Jules Archer has appeared recently or is forthcoming from Metazen, Monkeybicycle, Negative Suck, >kill author, PANK, Northville Review and elsewhere. She writes to annoy you at:


13 thoughts on “Glory Days & Baking Cakes for the Enemy

  1. Marcus Speh says:

    I like the combination and I like the pieces themselves very much. Fruity, fresh, visceral writing here. There’s a hard edge, too, it’s polished. I don’t believe everything in the bio except the Blue Moon, because it goes with some of the feeling in these pieces.

  2. susan tepper says:

    JEEZ, Jules, you knocked me out here. So LOVE THIS !

  3. Jules Archer says:

    Thanks to both of you for reading. Appreciate greatly!
    Marcus, I assure you the bio is 99% real.

  4. Wow! This is totally intense and just blows me away! I love the quirky humor on your blog, but THIS is really fantastic writing – it’s like rock ‘n roll – with a couple of snarling, bad ass guitars – and unlike Marcus, I believe every word on this page! 😉 Great stuff.

  5. Matt and Michael, thank you!

  6. Bill Yarrow says:

    Jules Archer cooks!

  7. Thomas Pluck says:

    Damn fine writing, Jules. Love Glory Days especially.

  8. […] Jules Archer and Rose Hunter have work in A-Minor. […]

  9. Great pieces here Jules. I love how you can write such sweet, soft words in the most sharp & violent fashion. You truly have a gift.

  10. […] and Image Collaboration “Real Eyes” is in NYC Big City Lit. Jules Archer’s “Glory Days” and “Baking Cakes for the Enemy” are at A-Minor. My story “Eldorado” […]

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